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DIAMOND MX-62M Diplexer for the ranges between 1.6 MHz and 56 MHz, and between 76MHz and 470 MHz. Allows to connect one antenna to two receivers.
The diplexer limits the optimal ranges of the SDRs to an overall smaller bandwidth, this limitation can be overcome by bypassing the diplexer for the required time, at the cost of using one SDR at a time.
It comes with a GPS Antenna for precise timing. The KiwiSDR is a software-defined radio that attaches to a Seeed BeagleBone Green (BBG) embedded computer. It is a standalone device that allows access through LAN and optionally through the Internet.
OpenWebRX is a multi-user SDR receiver that can be operated from any web browser without the need for any additional client software. Requires a computer, an SDR device and network access.
OpenWebRX is designed for public shared access.
OpenWebRX https://www.openwebrx.de/
Images from https://www.openwebrx.de/download/rpi.php
OpenWebRX: A Multi-User RTL-SDR Receiver with Web Interface
A list of currently active WebSDR servers is on